You can help protect and expand
Lockeland Springs Park.


Your tax-deductible gift will directly help expand the park, and permanently preserve the forest, spring streams, and land adjacent to the park. Make an online donation, or a one-time gift or multi-year pledge for Lockeland Springs Park to The Trust for Public Land using our Pledge Form.

Join the Team.

Join our mailing list and follow our social media accounts to stay updated on fundraising strategies and other news as this project develops. You can also send us an email to let us know how you want to be involved.

Talk about it.

Talk to your friends and neighbors about the campaign to expand and protect the park, ask them to donate and get involved. Share this website, send them our donation link or Pledge Form.

Ask us.

We are East Nashville neighbors who are working collaboratively to protect and save this precious resource. We’d love to speak with you about our campaign, Lockeland Springs Park, and why you should join us. Send us an email!

Invite your friends and neighbors.

Host a gathering (outdoors and socially distanced) where your neighbors leading this campaign can share the plans for expansion and ask for donations. Email us to coordinate.


Photo: Allison Gower